
tim takes on two-wheelers: new free cargo bikes from 3rd August!

tim takes on two-wheelers: from 3rd August, a cargo bike will also be available free of charge!

timely, intelligent and mobile – the three words behind the abbreviation “tim”. You could only be intelligently mobile with a car – until now. From 3rd August, you will also be able to do so on a cargo bike.


From then on, the cargo bike will be stationed at Schillerplatz. It can be booked by tim members via their account in the tim app or via tim’s online booking system. The bike (maximum load weight including rider: 180 kilogrammes) will be available for free for the first six months!


Lock and unlock the bike using the new tim app (information on this will be sent to tim members separately). Incidentally, the initiative for this came from the district council of St. Leonhard. If the pilot project, implemented with Holding Graz as part of the REGIOtim project, is well received, further bike rental stations at tim nodes could follow.


This project is funded as part of the REGIOtim regional project and has been supported as part of the IWB/EFRE 2014-2020 (Investments in Growth and Employment) programme with funds from the European Union and the regional department of the state of Styria. It is also co-financed by regional funds within the framework of the StLREG 2018.



Delighted with the new tim cargo bike on Schillerplatz: district manager Andreas Molnar, deputy district manager Daniela Katzensteiner, Holding Graz CEO Wolfgang Malik (from left).

Credit: Holding Graz/Hinterleitner

Logoleiste, EFRE, Das Kand Steiermark, Steirischer Zentralraum, GRAZ Holding
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