
Graz loves tim!

timely. intelligent. mobile.

tim’s locations are centralised mobility hotspots. Whether it’s (e-)carsharing, rental cars or tim’s e-taxis, with tim, you stay flexible and sustainably mobile, even without your own car! tim’s locations are easily accessible by public transport or by bike. You can also plug your own e-car in at tim’s charging stations! 

How tim works:

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tim is the best!


It’s not just tim’s (e-)carsharing that’s really cheap, tim’s affordable rental cars and the advantages that come from purchasing a KlimaTicket save you time and money every day. Now you can avoid having to invest in a car and pay the high monthly costs that come with owning a vehicle.


You can get directly to the tim locations by public transport. If you have a KlimaTicket, you can have this printed on your tim card and save yourself an additional card. You can also charge your private e-car at the public charging stations.


It doesn’t matter whether you get to tim’s locations on your bike, by public transport, on foot, in a tim e-taxi or with a tim e-carsharing vehicle – with tim, you have access to timely. intelligent. mobile. transport while protecting the environment at the same time. That’s what we call clean and innovative mobility!

This is how carsharing works!

Sign up

Sign up here. Once you have completed your registration, we will check your details and send you an email when your account is active.


You can book your desired vehicle quickly and easily via the booking platform on our website or by using the app on your phone! Then let the good times roll!


Unlock your car with your tim card or the tim-app. If you have booked an e-car, you still have to unplug the charging cable and stow it in the boot. Now you’re good to go!


And you’re off! Once you’re done, simply park the vehicle back at the tim location (please plug e-cars back into the charging station) and lock it with your tim card or the tim app. That’s it!

tim locations, tim e-taxi pickup points and public charging stations

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  • Nancy is happy. She’s told Tom about tim. Nancy and Tom don’t own a car, but now they can go wherever they want whenever they want thanks to tim. Tom thinks that’s great, so he’s thanking Nancy with flowers!

  • George has a new best friend: tim! George wants to stay over at his girlfriend Betty’s more often. And what does tim have to say about that? He is happy for George and is helping him make the move every step of the way!

  • Bob is excited! The meeting went extremely well and he’s now on his way to the other side of town to celebrate. And because sustainable and comfortable mobility are very important to Bob, he’s being chauffeured there in a share taxi at a reduced rate!

  • Jason‘s team has won the ice hockey tournament. His sister Sarah is very proud of him. With the tim rental car, transporting the equipment was super easy. And there was even room to spare for his trophy!

  • Rose and Charles love nature more than anything! And thanks to tim, they can now really pursue this passion again. Whether it’s a short trip or a weekend excursion – tim makes sure that Rose and Charles get where they want to go!

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