
Prominent new customer is on the road with tim

21. July 2021

Innovative mobility for all in Graz: Bishop Wilhelm Krautwaschl makes the switch to using tim’s services

Sixty-five carsharing cars – 20 of which are environmentally friendly e-cars – at 11 tim mobility nodes in Graz: it’s no wonder that tim is growing in popularity. One prominent new customer is Diocesan bishop Wilhelm Krautwaschl, who is now using Holding Graz’s innovative service. “Recently it’s becoming more and more clear that I don’t need to own a car. So I gave mine up in May and am happy that the city of Graz makes services like tim available. In terms of taking care of our planet, I like to use an environmentally friendly rental car for private trips,” says the bishop, explaining his motives.

Six new, environmentally friendly VW ID.3s make free parking possible

Mark Perz, Managing Director of Mobility & Leisure at Holding Graz said: “We have just added six state-of-the-art VW ID.3s to the fleet and are making these e-vehicles available to customers at the Andreas-Hofer-Platz, Jakominigurtel and Hasnerplatz locations.” Another bonus for customers: “Now that the VW ID.3s have been registered, users are exempt from paying the parking fee in Graz for the next two years,” says Perz.

More than 2,200 customers at 11 locations

Just recently, a tim location was launched at Griesplatz, a busy square in Graz. Perz said: “This year, in addition to the 11 existing multimodal tim nodes in Graz, two more locations in Reininghaus and one in the Smart City will follow in autumn. Customers currently have 65 carsharing vehicles to choose from in Graz, including rental cars and around 45 e-taxis.”

Over 1,000,000 kilometres covered with the e-vehicle fleet

Holding Graz CEO Wolfgang Malik said: “More than 60,000 bookings made since the launch of the first tim location confirm the path we are on. With tim, Holding Graz is offering one of the leading carsharing services in Austria, whose e-vehicle fleet has covered more than 1,000,000 kilometres. Carsharing also has an enormous potential to significantly improve air quality with its zero-emission propulsion systems. tim has made it possible to implement an environmentally friendly mobility service that has saved a total of 128 tons of CO2 since 2016 thanks to the distance covered in electric vehicles.”

All the mobility nodes offer public charging stations and connect walking, cycling and public transport with alternatives to your own car, such as carsharing (e-cars too), rental cars and e-taxis. tim’s cars are not exclusively electric and can also be used beyond the greater Graz area. This way, tim also covers the traditional need for longer trips and can be used for weekend excursions or holidays. Seven tim nodes have e-taxi parking spaces and there is also a cargo bike at Schillerplatz. There are also four additional locations in the city of Graz that are exclusively for carsharing.

tim Bischof

Photo, from left to right: Mark Perz, Holding Graz Managing Director of the Mobility & Leisure Division, Diocesan Bishop Wilhelm Krautwaschl, Holding Graz CEO Wolfgang Malik

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