
Your chance to win a KlimaTicket Austria or a KlimaTicket Styria!

28. December 2021

Your chance to win a KlimaTicket Austria or a KlimaTicket Styria!

Provide us with some insight into your media consumption habits regarding mobility. By helping us to improve mobility in Styria, you could win a KlimaTicket Austria or a KlimaTicket Styria (through a raffle conducted by Verkehrsverbund Steiermark GmbH)! The survey consists of an online questionnaire and a personal interview.

Find out more here:

Thank you for your support!

PS: You can also participate in just the online survey. This provides us with valuable input to help us better adapt our mobility services to your needs.

The online survey is being conducted as part of the EU project, Dynaxibility4CE (, which is funded by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE programme. The City of Graz (City Planning Department, EU Department and Department for Transport Planning) is working together with international partners to implement new mobility trends. As part of the EU project, FH JOANNEUM was commissioned to carry out an online survey on mobility habits.

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